The decision to euthanize a pet is never and easy one. Pets are loyal members of our families and saying goodbye is one of the most difficult parts of any pet parent's life. Stress builds inside of us as our focus moves from Quality of Life, to Quality of Death. Concerns and complicated emotions naturally arise as we consider how to best honor and provide dignity in our pet's final moments with us.
One of the major benefits of choosing in home euthanasia is the comfort and peace that it provides to our pets and ourselves. Many pets have natural anxiety during any visit to their vet clinic. As a pet parent, anxiety can begin much earlier as we consider the potential of having to wait for our appointment in a crowded lobby as we prepare for an extremely emotional experience. Never having to leave your own home means that you and your pet are in a private and familiar setting. You are free to grieve naturally without having to consider anything other than showing love and thanks to your pet throughout the procedure.
Another benefit of at home euthanasia is that it allows choices that are not possible in a clinic setting. The procedure can be performed anywhere you and your pet feel most comfortable. A favorite couch, a bed on the living room floor, and even the backyard - the choice is yours and your pet's. Over their lives, our pets become companions to many people in addition to ourselves. Anyone you feel would provide comfort and peace to your pet is welcome to attend. Being surrounded by family, children, friends, neighbors, and other animal companions provides to support to your pet as well as yourself. These decisions are deeply personal and in your own home they are yours to make.
Finally, during a clinical euthanasia there is typically a period of time that you and your pet are separated . They are often taken to another area to be prepared for the procedure and brought back to you when it is time for the final steps. With in home euthanasia you never have to leave their side. We encourage you to pet them, hold them, and talk to them every step of the way.
Ultimately we all must make the decisions we feel are best for out pet's care and every situation is different. If you decide In Home Euthanasia is the best choice for you we are here for you every step of the way.